Wednesday, 2 March 2011


Important facts about coffee
·          Germany is the world's second largest consumer of coffee in terms of volume at 16 pounds per person.
·         Most coffee is grown near the equater in the "coffee belt" Over 53 countries grow coffee worldwide, but all of them lie along the equator between the tropic of Cancer and Capricorn.
·         5 tones of coffee berries equals 1 ton of coffee beans after processing. An acre of coffee trees can produce up to 10,000 pounds of coffee cherries. That amounts to approximately 2,000 pounds of beans after hulling or milling.
·         The drip filtered method of making coffee creates  asmoother tasting coffee then the percolator. The percolator was invented in 1827 by a French man. It would boil the coffee producing a bitter tasting brew. Today most people use the drip or filtered method to brew their coffee.
·         Not counting Hawaii and Puerto Rico, coffee is not grown in the USA. With the exception of Hawaii and Puerto Rico, no coffee is grown in the United States or its territories.
·         In the early days, coffee was roated ina  frying pan over coals. Up until the 1870's most coffee was roasted at home in a frying pan over a charcoal fire. -It wasn't until recent times that batch roasting became popular.
·         Most all coffee beans are hand picked, that's over seven million tons per year. Each year some 7 million tons of green beans are produced world wide. Most of which is hand picked.
·         The main coffee consumers originate from the USA, Canada, Austria, Italy and many of the Danish countries. Major per-capita consumers of coffee are Canada, the United States, Germany, Austria, Italy, and the Nordic countries.
·         Many coffee drinkers add sugar or sweetner to their coffee, 27 percent of those in the United States add sugar, and 43 percent of those in Germany add sweetner. 27% of U.S. coffee drinkers and 43% of German drinkers add a sweetener to their coffee.
·         Brazil produces most of the worlds coffee and Columbia is the second largest coffee producer. The world's largest coffee producer is Brazil with over 3,970 million coffee trees. Colombia comes in second with around two thirds of Brazil's production.
·         When a coffee plant is grown above 5000 ft. it produces what's called a "hard bean". Hard bean means the coffee was grown at an altitude above 5000 feet.
·         Coffee plants will produce coffee beans for 20-30 years under good growing conditions and the correct care. Arabica and Robusta trees can produce crops for 20 to 30 years under proper conditions and care.
·         Ships are used the most to move coffee throughout the globe, there are thousand of coffee transport ships dedicated to transporting all this coffee. Most coffee is transported by ships. Currently there are approximately 2,200 ships involved in transporting the beans each year.
·         Coffee's with flavor added started in America during the 70's and has maintained its popularity since that time. The popular trend towards flavored coffees originated in the United States during the 1970's.
·         Some countries like Japan have special dedicated to coffee. In Japan "Coffee Day" is on the first day of October. October 1st is the official Coffee Day in Japan.

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